After digging up a remote site in Elk County three years ago, the FBI claimed that they did not find any gold in that day long search. But according to recently released documents, the FBI was indeed looking for gold and a local treasure hunting company is still fighting to know where that gold is.

The dispute between federal agencies and a group of treasure hunters dates back to 2008, when Dennis and Kem Parada, co owners of Finders Keepers a treasure hunting service, announced they had learned of the location of gold and other treasures of the Civil War in Elk County.

In 2012, the Parada’s claimed they found the gold site in Dents Run, but federal laws prevented them from digging it up.

"They came back and asked me how many tons, I said 2.5 tons of gold they looked at me and go it's over 7-9 tons of gold that's when everything started to change," said Dennis Parada, Owner of Finder's Keepers.

Hours later, the FBI & DCNR dug up the site and said they were there for a court-authorized excavation of a potential "cultural heritage site."

Dennis Parada said they had a verbal agreement with the FBI to keep quiet about the search and that they would be given a finder's fee for the gold.

"The FBI went back on their deal they ask us to keep quiet until the investigation was done. My son's job was threatened and we agreed to stay quiet until the investigation was done but it's been three years and I don't know what happened to that money, it's close to half of a billion dollars disappeared," he said.

But now according to government emails and recently released documents on this case, the FBI was looking for gold.

Parada alluded to an even bigger government coverup.

"There's a lot of stuff in these emails that we are sending out to the public, beyond that there's a warrant that the FBI served to DCNR to get on the property and the warrant can't be found," he said.

After fighting for years to obtain these documents, Parada said the truth will begin to reveal itself in a press conference tomorrow.

"With the info we have we have no problem going forward we have no problem bringing this to the senate subcommittee or anybody I believe we've overdone this," said Parada.

Finders Keepers along with their lawyer are hosting a press conference tomorrow to discuss their legal action taken against the FBI.
