Local businesses are taking a hit from the coronavirus.

6 News spoke with one business owner in Cambria County and explains who and what drives his business.

Since all major sporting events have been canceled due to the coronavirus, business is taking a toll on local sports bars.

“We had all the TVs on the other night and there was not one sporting event on any TV. It was weird, like, what do you put on? And with March Madness being canceled, during the day, normally we would have guys calling in renting tables and wanting to bring big groups for their favorite teams for the entire day and we are not going to have that,” said Robert Barmoy, owner of Woodside Bar and Grill.

Barmoy says he is also taking a hit due to the colleges going all online.

“It is called ‘Safe Ride to Woodside,’ we have the party bus and we run it to UPJ, and it is college nights here on Thursday with a DJ. We normally have four staff members on hand for that plus a door guy to check IDs but last night we had one guy and at midnight we were closed. It’s terrible.”

Wednesday night, during his address to the nation, President Donald Trump announced he would make it easier for local business to get a loan if they are struggling because of the coronavirus, but Barmoy says he doesn't think it will get that bad.

“I am fortunate enough that I have a good supporting cast with the community so I don't think I will need to borrow any money. I have enough put aside, hopefully, for rainy days like this but it would definitely be something I would look into if I needed to.”

He adds that people shouldn’t worry about going out and having a good time, just be smart.

“Don't be afraid to go places, don't be afraid to mingle with people. Just choose wisely where you are going and what you are doing. If the place is dirty, then don't go, I wouldn’t. But generally, the places around here are nice and clean and there is no reason not to go and see your favorite band or something that you want to go see.”

Barmoy says even without sports, Woodside is still a fun place to be.

“We have entertainment every Friday and Saturday. We have an acoustic act that comes in, local guys, very good, clean, fun entertainment. We are nonsmoking, a lot of people like that. You’re not going to watch any sports, but at least you have other options.”
