Volunteers in Clearfield County are working to give a dog, who was recently found neglected and abused, new hope.

Officials say a volunteer with the organization “Animals Matter” found "Duke" laying on the road in the Grampian/Mahaffey area on Black Friday.

Volunteers say the dog was found with a hole in his head and an injured ear and jaw.

When volunteers brought "Duke" to the hospital, they say it was determined that his breathing problem was caused by his mouth being tied shut with shoelaces.

Since then, approximately $12,000 has been donated to the organization to help pay for the dog’s hospital bills.

"Just to know how he laid up there, we can only approximate how long he was there, to know how cold he was, and if something was going to try to attack him, because he couldn't fend for himself, at least twenty-one hours he laid up there, how cold and scared he was."

Volunteers say they now refer to "Duke" as "Goldie."

They say "Goldie" now weighs 116 pounds, after being 94 pounds.

The dog is now being cared for in a "foster to adopt" home.
